wahoo! i have long(ish) nails again. i gave in and went to the salon and got some acrylics. i just couldn't handle the stubbin nails any longer. so i gots me my veddy veddy first acrylic nails.
for the most part i'm happy with them. but gah, they're thick! next time i go for acrylics i'll make a point of asking for thin! also, they seem wider at the tips than the are at the base, is that normal for acrylics? i feel like a such a newb. oh... wait... i am. heh.
it is late here, i'm really tired after a night of poker and chillin' with the boys, otherwise i'd be all over taking some pics right.naow. but i'm not so tired that i couldn't come rushing here to talk about my new acrylics. so tomorrow... or, technically, later on today, i will update with some photos. and i'm definitely going to be removing the salon polish and doing my own. i'm a bit of a clutz, i wrecked the perty salon job pretty much as soon as i walked out of the door. :\
k. to bed. nighty night blogiverse. i will be back in the daylight with pictures :)
Zoya Cricket
20 hours ago