i bought this one a few days ago. it took all of my willpower not to bring each and every colour of Crackle Overcoat home with me.
now that i've tried it, i'm glad i didn't buy more than one bottle.
i got Vintage Violet. and i do love the colour. but i can live without just about everything else about this polish. i applied it over OPI's Not Like the Movies. it is wearing very well from my last manicure. most of the flower nail decals are long gone, but the polish hasn't really worn at all. it's like iron!
first thing i noticed is that it is Stinky. with a capital S. okay. no prob. i have a few stinky polishes in my collection, i can deal with the smell. second thing i was disappointed in was the size of the brush. do i have monster nails or is it tiny? i had to redip into the bottle three times to cover my ring finger nail. and thirdly... it applied like crap for me. it clumped up so quickly. there was no time for going over any of the strokes, it clumped on the nail before i could redip the brush. it's kind of hard to explain. if i went over a stroke before it was dry it just got thick and lumpy rather than mixing in with the new stroke. does that make sense?
it applied very thickly for me. i tried on four nails and i just could not do a thin coat due to the small brush and quick clumping action.
it took a little longer than OPI's Shatter to crack, but i do like the crack effect. yay... a positive! lol.
i took all these pictures before adding my Seche Vite topcoat. it adds a nice shine to the Sally Hansen Crackle, it dried semi-matte. even with my trusty Seche Vite, it is still a bumpy manicure because the Crackle applied so thickly.
Zoya Cricket
20 hours ago
Rubina Shiver | July 20, 2011 at 3:35 AM
It seems that every shop in my city ran out of crackle nail polish. I only found a terrible match betweenn a glittering olive green and a mud green. :/ I'm not a huge green fan. Anyway I like your blog. I thik I'm gonna follow you. In the next days I'm gonna try some lace decorating on my nails. :) I'm new here so follow me back if you want! Byes :)