this is a pretty simple manicure. but oh so pretty and girly! i really do like the combo of Senorita Rose-Alita with V.I.P.
i painted them up last night while i watch Labyrinth. for the first time. ever. i had a very sheltered childhood. my parents became born again Christians when i was 5(ish?). by the time i was 10 they were so brainwashed that they believed almost everything was "evil" or from the devil. Labyrinth was an evil movie, we were not allowed to watch it. jeeezz. i remember my dad destroying his ABBA albums because god told him to. yeah. strange childhood. :)
anyway. i liked it. Labyrinth, that is. but i could not stop looking at David Bowie's crotch. every pair of pants he wore made it impossible not to look there! please tell me i'm not the only one who's eyes wandered to his junk every time he was in a scene!
Zoya Cricket
20 hours ago
carissakuo | July 26, 2011 at 6:20 PM
oh! i love the mani and all the glitter! :)
zehava | July 27, 2011 at 12:51 AM
thank you :D
Deana | July 27, 2011 at 10:28 AM
LOL, I know exactly what you mean about Bowie's package! I was a preteen when this came out and I still have a deep and abiding love for DB - his pants played a major part in that, I'm sure! Still one of my favorite movies ever, my son got me a copy on Blu-ray for Mother's day this year. Love the nails.
GothamPolish | August 4, 2011 at 7:16 PM
Dance Magic Dance!!! I love how you put the glitter in different places, great design.