i unwrapped my new Nfu-Oh while eating dinner out at a restaurant and could.barely.stop.myself from applying a coat right then and there.
as soon as i got home it went on over my skittles mani. it has a wonderfully different effect on the different colours. my favourite, although i could not capture it with the camera, is the funky way it creates a shimmery lilac/blue over the yellow polish.
i'm excited to try it over black :)
pardon the second rate pictures and dry cuticles. i was way too excited about taking the pictures and moisturizing my cuticles was a thought that got pushed to the back of my mind in a fairly quick manner because i just.had.to.take.pictures.naow. i take my photos near my living room window to take advantage of the natural light, but by the time we got home from errands and dinner the sunlight had waned and wasn't great for capturing the wonderful magic of Nfu-Oh 40. so expect better pictures in the future :)
the polishes under the Nfu-Oh are Sally Hansen Insta-Dri in Grape Going!, Sally Hansen Hard As Nails in Fashionista Orange, Hot Yellow and Be Seen Blue. last but not least is China Glaze Reggae to Riches (fuchsia).