no, no i won't. but if i ever needed to, i now know how to pop a cap in an ass. or at least at a paper target ;)
my love took me shooting this weekend. it was my very first contact with a real gun ever. he let me use his .22 rifle as a start. i was so incredibly nervous. it took me quite a while to work up to the first shot. i was afraid of the gun! he took a picture of me firing off my first round. see how far away the gun is from me? so scared of it. gah.
and oh, my. what a most awful terrible unflattering photo of me. it is, without a doubt, the worst picture of me ever, with my face all scrunched up and my arms look so chubby. but i'm so proud that i overcame my fear of firearms that i'm going to share anyway.
that picture is even worse than the one of me camping, day feels-like-we've-been-here-forever without a stich of makeup or a wink of sleep:
but wait... look... i clean up pretty decently:
okay, back to shooting. my first go kinda sucked:
but at the end of the day i was getting pretty comfortable with the whole process and my love and i had a bit of an impromptu competition. after i managed to punch a great hole in a target at 25yds, he had to one-up me. so he said he'd do it without using the bipod. heh. and since i will not let my thunder be stolen, i decided i had to do it without the bipod too. his target is the one on the upper right. mine is the lower right. i kicked his asssssss!
Zoya Cricket
20 hours ago