i also really like shoes. i don't own an embarrassing amount of shoes, but i love them as much as i love makeup and nailpolish.
shoes, polish, makeup and jewelry never disappoint. i'm not a skinny girl, i hate shopping for clothes because it never fails that i leave the stores feeling flabby and large. but shoes, makeup, nailpolish and jewelry... those babies always fit.
so sometimes i'll throw in a post about shoes or jewelry :)
today it's shoes. i found these cuties at Winner's weeks and weeks ago. but i was cheap and wasn't going to pay their full price for them. yesterday i discovered them on clearance for $24. so they came home with me.
Harajuku Lovers. style: Leah heel.
i used to, back in the day, wear them everyday to work and walk around in them 8+ hours at a time.
today i was sorely (haha no pun intended) reminded i am very out of practice wearing heels out in the real world. i managed to walk through Home Depot without much problem while my love shopped for a new table saw. i managed to get back to the car without much pain.
but when we stopped at Walmart, so i could pick up hairspray, my ankles started protesting. protesting by turning inwards and messing with my already precarious balance.
by the time we paid and were leaving the store i stopped, right in front of Walmart, and begged my love to please unbuckle them so i could take them off. by then my balance was fucked, if i had bent down to unbuckle them myself i surely would have ended up face down on the pavement.
so he did... much to his embarrassment. and i did the rest of our errands blissfully barefoot.
the lesson i learned today? i need more practice. more time on sexy heels, less time in boring flats! )