(from old blog, original date May 9, 2011)
about a week ago my left thumbnail broke. spectacularly. yay. i had to cut it right down to the nailbed. okay. it's just one nail. and it's a thumbnail, the rest of my nails aren't terribly long, so i could hide it.
and then today the middle finger on my right hand developed a large split in it. a split that started a the edge and then grew into my nail bed. so cutting that nail short wouldn't solve the problem, it would just leave me with another stubby nail.
i have never done serious nail repair before. usually i cut them all down to nothing and start over. but i've been having far too much fun with nailpolish to let that happen this time. so i went off to wal-mart and bought a brush-on gel nail kit. it comes with a bunch of tips (i went for short, i can't figure out how to function with long nails) so that if another nail breaks i have the kit ready to go and repairs done in a snap.
all laid out, ready for nail surgery:
the stuff took about an hour to stop feeling tacky. i did cut down the tips after applying them to match the length to my natural nails. here is the middle nail all done and drying:
not the neatest job. but i give myself some props, it was my first go at applying a tip at home.
and, now, the look i'm currently sporting:
China Glaze Ruby Pumps (2 coats... and i just couldn't get a good picture of the depth of the sparkles). Nicole by OPI in Let's Get Star-ted on my ring fingers. i had to fish the stars out of the bottle... a bit of a disappointment, but i saw a bright side. it gave me the opportunity to place the stars exactly where i wanted them. one by one. lol.
Glisten & Glow Mall Madness
4 hours ago