yesterday i mentioned how i nearly passed up Orly Prisma Gloss Silver in the store because the pigment had settled and i thought it was just another boring clear polish. i had assumed it was sitting out on the display untouched for a month or two or more.
but i was wrong. this stuff settles at warp speed.
here it is in it's shaken up glory:
this was about an hour after shaking it all up to mix it:
i had planned on taking pictures every hour to show you guys the settling, but i got rather busy with other things, so this one was taken about 3 or 4 hours after its last shake:
and this one was taken this morning when i got up, maybe 12ish hours after the last time i shook it up. this is pretty much how it looked when i picked it up at the beauty supply store:
my nails are still, pitifully, naked. i will have time this afternoon to get them all prettied up. maybe with my one of my new haul polishes. i have been feeling very inspired by pretty much everything Let Them Have Polish posts! love love love her fantabulous creativity :)
Glisten & Glow Mall Madness
4 hours ago