freehand design created mostly with my trusty Boye US1 double pointed knitting needle. now that i see it in the light of day i think i'll get around to touching up the bow on my thumb before i leave the house :)
polishes used: essie sexy divide (base), Revlon Top Speed in Super Nature (green) and an unlabled Joe Fresh white. Seche Vite top coat.
i do have to note that i was rather disappointed with essie's sexy divide. it is such a deep beautiful purple, but no matter how thinly i applied it, how long i let it dry between coats, or which base coat i used, i kept ending up with bubbles. i fully removed it twice and started over. on the third go i just left it and squished out what bubbles i could by pressing down on the polish while it was still soft. the Seche top coat smoothed out the fingerprints. phew!
Glisten & Glow Mall Madness
4 hours ago
carissakuo | June 16, 2011 at 4:45 PM
wow! freehand? really?! this looks amazing!! :)